Sunday 3 January 2010

About Gus Dur.......

Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur, died Wednesday (30/12), at 18:45, at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta. According to Team Leader Doctor, dr. Yusuf Misbach, Wahid died after suffering from various diseases. "His deteriorating health condition associated with diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, and heart," said Yusuf Misbach, in Building RSCM.

The departure of former president of the RI-4 is accompanied by sobbing family, relatives, and millions of Indonesian society. Including citizens nahdliyin, who put Gus Dur as a charismatic figure, and respected. In fact, a number of the call, the blood is the blood Wahid Nahdhatul Ulama (NU).

This title is not excessive. Abdurrahman Wahid was the grandson of Kyai Haji Hasyim Ash'ari, the founder Nahdhatul scholars, the largest Islamic organization in the country. Since young, active Wahid at the base of the organization especially in East Java.

In 1984, the wife Shinta this Nuriyah elected as Chairman of the Great Pengusur (Tanfidziyah) NU. Unlike the previous NU leaders, the presence of Gus Dur as blowing fresh blood in the body of NU, which is also known as the base of the traditional clergy.

Initiate leadership, this man who was born in 1940 to reform the body of the NU, including the field of education. Against the New Order power, Wahid also provide support. Among others by accepting Pancasila as state ideology.

In 1989, Gus Dur again be trusted as the general chairman of NU. Unlike the first periods of leadership, in this period Gus dur began acting at a distance with the government. Among attitude is refusing to join the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI). Habibie formed organization, supported President Soeharto. This was then made President Suharto, then, did not approve of Wahid's re-election at the next NU Congress.

Because it all, good relations dur and the New Order regime's ups and downs. But the situation turned towards the downfall of President Suharto, 1998. Wahid is one of the characters who were invited to the Palace, to be asked for input on the future of the regime.

After Suharto fell, the reform of political life was revolving. One of them marked by a new party bermunculannya outside the PPP, Golkar and PDI Struggle. Wahid well aware of the power of the mass base of NU. Because of this potential, the son of KH Wahid Hasyim party was eventually formed to channel the voice of NU, the National Awakening Party (PKB). The party later, and permission of Gus Dur, pointing Matori Abdul Jalil as chairman.

In a way, the party often characterized the conflict. Conflicts arise due to friction with Wahid's own party administrators. In 2001 for example, Gus Dur, who became Chairman of the Board Syuro PKB, Matori Abdul Jalil dismissed from the chairman seat. The reason, Matori, who was Vice Chairman of the Assembly, attended the special session of the Assembly, which dropped Gus Dur from the President's position.

Matori replacement PKB leadership, namely Alwi Shihab, also did not last. Alwi, a duet with Saefullah Joseph, nephew of Gus Dur, eventually bounced from the PKB, and make a new party. Finally, Gus Dur also in conflict with another nephew, Muhaimin Iskandar. This time the resistance Muhaimin through legal channels instead make Wahid bounced from the party originally founded.

Until the end of his life, fighting with Gus Dur PKB leader Muhaimin Iskandar has not subsided. However, no one can separate the greatness of the name of the PKB and NU Wahid figures, politicians and kyai actions and words often come up the pros and cons

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