Monday 4 January 2010

Toward Nutrition Day

Obtained according to theme, the old gizi.Orang education materials especially the mother must care and pay attention to her nutritional needs, especially children with food processing are available and simple, but creative. No need of food made from expensive, such as meat, chicken eggs that are important seimbang.Bisa only nutritious cooking corn, sweet potato, spinach soup, and soup with toppings of tempe-know.
Caring parents become decisive factor nutrition conditions of children. Abundant food in the house aka not good tone, if not treated properly by the mother or other family members. When this happens, do not be surprised if children are malnourished, and even malnutrition. Especially if the child is fed only improvise or even snacks to deceive the stomach to fill.
Parents often do not realize their children because of malnutrition, child malnutrition is still biased to normal activities and agile so that they then left into the garden and entrusted to the brothers, old ornag, or in-laws. Because economic conditions are difficult family, my mother had to help make a living. Attention to children is reduced, including how to cook and eat the right member,
No processed food properly, according to UNICEF's nutrition experts, Sonia Blaney, because the lack of understanding of the following types of nutritious foods cooking way. Sonia stressed there was no relationship between child nutrition and food ketersdediaan factor for the year 2008 was not reported crop failures, food shortages, or natural disasters.
The absence of mother gives ASIdan menyiapakn complementary feeding because of busy work in the garden and the lack of and maintain environmental hygiene and also influential. Unfortunately, malnutrition has always been associated with lack of food, so when there is malnutrition, local government response is to ask for food aid.
To reduce and mengantisipasigizi bad, the methods used no longer biased by extension, but also with assistance from the pregnancy, initiation of early education (IMD), 0-6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, and the provision of complementary feeding

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