Sunday 10 January 2010

Towards Performance Little Idol 3

Towards the first episode of Little Idol 3 Performance has been started. The battle scene show the children permissibility of the Deva GROUP 1 (Bali), Rio (Manado), Iley (Semarang), Gandhi (Padang), Gaby (Batam) and Safa (Surabaya) gala took place from 4 RCTI studio.

The event is hosted Kak Oki Iley eventually require a red star on the SMS. Iley themselves as appearing to sing a song titled 'With You' from the Group Vierra, admitted very sad. Sorrowful hue radiating from his face. When she claimed could not perform the maximum because the condition was sick (cough.)

Iley was disappointed. How not, when she auditioned without despair auditioned in different cities ie 4 Semarang, Yogyakarta, Bandung and finally escaped in Jakarta. An uphill struggle of course, but he was happy to have the opportunity to appear but only in episode 1
On that occasion, a rally participant 4 permissibility than vocal ability possessed. They are the Rio, which shows kemmapuannya guitar playing and singing songs Jason Miraz I'M YOURSnya. Deva, with kemmpauannya dance titled Barestunggal Bali. Gandhi, who is the Best Drummer of West Sumatra he played an instrumental drums, and Ray, who also played drums.

"At this stage assessment system using SMS. So the existence depends on the size of the finalists via SMS support. Commentators in accordance with its function, served only to give advice and criticism to perform better ", so says Mary E. Febryani, Executive Producer Little Idol 3.

Since Idol Little RCTI held Ahun 2007, many little artist's name became famous. Call it Kiki and Debo. Kiki Patrick whose full name is Egeten Rizky has successfully fulfill his dream into little stars at the event Little Idol 1. This kid from Manado 9825 defeated audition participants. Kiki is not only successful in the country. he had wandered as when he appeared before the Sultan Hasanah Bolkiah in Brunei.

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